Record of our activities

Here is the record of our activities.


We learn specialized knowledge related to sexual minority from instructors.

* We describe their titles at the time.

Date Theme
Mar. 2016 Same-sex partnership ordinances in Shibuya-ku and Setagaya-ku -Learn from advanced cases-
Instructor: Taiga Ishikawa (Member of the Toshima-ku assembly) and members of Rainbow Chiba Association
Apr. 2016 Exchange of opinions related to LGBT -Make Chiba city a place where all the people are accepted-

  • Theme 1: Actions taken by Chiba city
    Instructor: Member from human rights and gender equality division, Chiba city
  • Theme 2: Movement related to LGBT in Japan and international society
    Instructor: Yoko Kataoka (Professor of education at Chiba University)
June 2016 Actions taken by companies -Lectures about LGBT held in companies in Chiba prefecture and Japanese companies which offer such lectures-
Instructor: Satoru Ito (Sukotan Social Service)
July 2016 Marriage system and LGBT -Learn marriage system in Japan from the aspect of Japanese law and discuss same-sex partnership-
Instructor: Hiroko Goto (Professor of law at Chiba University)
Sept. 2016 PACS and marriage for all in France -Background and current situation-
Instructor: Lawyer who got married to his same-sex partner in France
Dec. 2016 Consultation about difficulties in daily life with a lawyer
Instructor: Lawyer who belongs to Chiba bar association
Mar. 2017 History about how transgender people have given their name
Instructor: Sachie Tsuruta (Associate professor of literature at Chiba University)
June 2017 Issues of the same-sex partnership ordinances of Shibuya-ku -Focusing of background of enactment-
Instructor: Chikako Nishiyama (Part-time Lecturer at Chiba University and Tokyo International University and other universities.)
Aug. 2017 Movement of Japanese government and Japan Alliance for LGBT Legislation
Instructors: Hiroshi Ikeda (Co-representative of Japan Alliance for LGBT Legislation) and Yuichi Kamiya (Chief of the secretariat of Japan Alliance for LGBT Legislation)
Oct. 2017 A lawsuit for special permission of residence for same-sex partners (A Japanese and a foreigner)
Instructor: The plaintiff of the lawsuit
Oct. 2018 Asexuality
Instructors: Nakaken (Asexual person who belongs to a committee of information campaign about asexuality) and Daijiro Miyake (Member of Sukotan Social Service and a committee of information campaign about asexuality)
Dec. 2020 Sport and LGBT
Instructor: Jun Mikami (Research student at Graduate School of Human Sciences of Osaka University)
June 2022 Consultation for sexual minorities
Instructor: Makiko Kasai (Professor of Naruto University of Education)
August 2022 To counter hate speech against transgender people
Instructor: Mameta Endo
May 2023 The reason why I Translated Transgender Issues ~Facts and Issues Surrounding Transgender~
Instructor: Yutori Takai (Associate Professor of Gunma University)
September 2023 Diverse sexualities and relationships
Instructor: Daijiro Miyake / Nakaken
December 2023 You can ask anything in the world about genders – Meet the former Nadeshiko League female soccer players –
Instructor: mutantwave.
February 2024 Public toilets that anyone can use safely and comfortably, in the aspect of gender diversity
Instructor: Akiko Hino (LIXIL Corporation)
May 2024 LGBTQ and medical care – Activities as a doctor who came out of the closet –
Instructor: Eriko Yoshida (Rainbow Doctors General Incorporated Association)
July 2024 Marriage system issues and partnership system

  • Chiba City official explains the current status of partnership system and results of web survey
  • Kei Matsuo (Rainbow Chiba) explains the history and issues of the marriage system, and the differences between marriage, common-law marriage, and partnership systems.


We organize large-scale events combining keynote speech, panel discussion, etc. every year.

* We describe speakers’ titles at the time.

Date Theme
Jan. 2016 The 1st LGBT symposium in Chiba city -Toward Chiba city where all the citizens are accepted-

  • Theme 1: Same-sex partnership ordinances in other cities
    Speaker: Taiga Ishikawa (Member of the Toshima-ku assembly)
  • Theme 2: Basic information about LGBT and difficulties which they confront
    Speaker: Satoru Ito (Sukotan Social Service)
  • Theme 3: Difficulties of LGBT people which are collected by telephone consultation service
    Speaker: Mika Asahina (Member of General Incorporated Association Social Inclusion Support Center)
  • Theme 4: Action taken by Chiba city and report to the Congress of Chiba city
    Speakers: Masayoshi Fuse (Member of the Chiba city council) and Takuma Kamei (Member of the Chiba city council)
Nov. 2016 The 2nd LGBT symposium in Chiba city -Toward society where all the people can live as they are-

  • Keynote speech
    Speaker: Hiroshi Hase (Former Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)
  • Report about LGBT friendly actions from several sectors:
    Group of sexual minority: Satoru Ito (Sukotan Social Service)
    Private enterprise: Satoru Hori (Director of the human rights promotion Division, AEON CO., LTD.)
    Labor union: Hiroshi Hayashida (RENGO CHIBA, Japanese Trade Union Confederation)
Dec. 2017 The 3rd LGBT symposium in Chiba city -Toward society where all the people can live as they are-

  • Movie screening: The Case Against 8
  • Panel discussion:
    Satoru Ito (Sukotan Social Service)
    Ken Suzuki (Professor of law at Meiji University)
    Onoharu (Manager of Rainbow Family)
    Mayuko Nankawa (Lawyer in Chiba bar association)
Feb. 2019 The 4th LGBT symposium in Chiba city -Civil Partnership-

  • Report
    Kusuo Tsuneoka (Lawyer in Chiba bar association)
    Hisao Saito (Chiba Prefectural Surveillance Administration Consultation Center)
  • Panel discussion:
    Satoru Ito (Sukotan Social Service)
    Yuki Kaneda (Rainbow Chiba Association)
    Haruka Kami (Rainbow Chiba Association)
    Mayuko Nankawa (Lawyer in Chiba bar association)
    Megumi Momose (Rainbow Chiba Association)
Dec. 2019 The 5th LGBT symposium in Chiba city -Difficulties of LGBT people in Education field-

  • Report
    Yoko Kataoka (Professor of education at Chiba University)
    Rie Nakamitsu (Vice-principle of Kashiwa municipal primary school)
    Megumi Momose (Teacher of Funabashi municipal junior high school)
    Yume Ezaki (Representative of NFT (nonprofit organization))
    Tomoko Karino (A member of LGBT families&friends (nonprofit organization))
    Daisuke Nigo (TOMBOW PENCIL CO., LTD.)
  • Panel discussion:
    Satoru Ito (Sukotan Social Service)
    Tomoko Karino (A member of LGBT families&friends (nonprofit
    Yume Ezaki (Representative of NFT (nonprofit organization))
    Yoko Kataoka (Professor of education at Chiba University)
    Haruka Kami (Rainbow Chiba Association)
    Taro Doi (Lawyer in Chiba bar association)
    Rie Nakamitsu (Vice-principle of Kashiwa municipal primary school)
    Megumi Momose (Teacher of Funabashi municipal junior high school)
Nov, Dec, 2021,
Jan. 2022
The 6th LGBT symposium in Chiba city Parenting and School Education for Sexual Minority Children – Achieve schools and society where all the children and the adults can live as they are-

  • Lecture
    Instructor: Daisuke Watanabe (Associate professor at Center for Research in General Education of Saitama University)

Dispatch of instructors

We dispatched our members as an instructor as below.

Date Client
Feb. 2016 Seminar held by a group studying issues of poverty in the committee of social welfare of Chiba bar association
Mar. 2016 Seminar held by a group studying issues of poverty in the committee of social welfare of Chiba bar association
Aug. 2016 Seminar held by a group studying issues of poverty in the committee of social welfare of Chiba bar association
Jan. 2017 Seminar held by a group studying issues of young generation in Chiba prefecture
(Headed by Hiroko Goto (Professor of law at Chiba University))
Mar. 2017 Seminar held by Partnership Nagareyama (nonprofit organization)
May 2017 Seminar held by the rotary club of Ichikawa
June 2017 Symposium held by UWN Chiba (nonprofit organization)
July 2017 Seminar held by Rainbow Kita-ku
Aug. 2017
  • Seminar held by a group in Inba district. This group studies education and belongs to Chiba Teacher’s Union.
  • Seminar held by Rainbow Toshima
Oct. 2017 Seminar held by a group studying issues of poverty (Its name is Link (nonprofit organization) currently.)
Dec. 2017 Seminar held by a group studying issues of poverty in the committee of social welfare of Chiba bar association
May 2018 Seminar held by a support center for the poor and needy in Nagareyama city
July 2018 Symposium held by an organization for the poor and needy in Chiba prefecture
Sept. 2018 Lecture for Abiko city officials
Oct. 2018 Class at College of Community and Human Services, Rikkyo University
Nov. 2018
  • Lecture for Chiba city officials
  • Seminar held by a group studying issues of poverty in the committee of social welfare of Chiba bar association
Dec. 2018
  • Seminar held by Parent-Teacher Association of Wakaba-ku, Chiba city
    (Venue was Chiba municipal Omiya junior high school)
  • Seminar held by Koichiro Yamashita (Associate Professor at Shukutoku University)
Feb. 2019
  • Seminar held by a group studying issues of poverty in the committee of social welfare of Chiba bar association
  • Lecture for Futtsu city council of comprehensive support for persons with disabilities
  • Lecture for Japan Federation of Democratic Medical Institutions
Mar. 2019
  • Lecture for Narita city council of social welfare
  • Seminar held by Rainbow Kita-ku
  • Lecture for Chiba city council of social welfare
July 2019 Event held by Chiba city center for gender equality
Aug. 2019 Lecture for teachers of Chiba municipal Omori primary school
Nov. 2019 Event held by Chiba city center for gender equality
Jun. 2020 Lecture for Chiba city officials
Dec. 2020 Event held by Chiba City Foundation of Cultural Promotion
Jan. 2021 Event held by citizen activity support division of Sodegaura city
Mar. 2021 Event held by gender equality division of Narashino city
July 2021
  • Lecture for teachers of Narashino municipal Fujisaki primary school
  • Event held by gender equality division of Narashino city
Aug. 2021
  • Event held by education center of Sodegaura city
  • Event held by citizen collaboration division of Katori City
Sept. 2021
  • Event held by Chiba City Foundation of Cultural Promotion
  • Board of education of Narashino city
Oct. 2021 Event held by Chiba City Foundation of Cultural Promotion
Nov. 2021
  • Event held by gender equality division of Narashino city
  • Lecture for teachers of Sodegaura municipal Showa junior high school
Dec. 2021 Lecture for Chiba city officials
Jan. 2022 Chiba Keizai University
Apr. 2022 Japan Young Lawyers Association,, Chiba branch

Policy proposal

We contribute creation of new system like partnership ordinance as a citizen group.

Date Theme
June 2016 Submission of a written request to Chiba city council
* We submitted request for survey on actions related to LGBT.
Aug. 2016 Meeting over lunch with Chiba city mayor
* Eight members from our group joined the meeting and discussed actions taken by Chiba city and difficulties in the field of education.
Article by Chiba city: Open the link
Feb. 2017 Submission of a written request to Chiba city mayor
* We submitted a request for actions to be taken to the mayor at Chiba city mayor office.
June 2017
  • Exchange of opinion with New Komeito (Members of the Chiba city council)
  • Exchange of opinion with the group of Funabashi city council members who work on issues related to LGBT
Aug. 2017
  • Exchange of opinion with Shiminnet Chiba (Political party of the Chiba city council)
  • Exchange of opinion with Japanese Communist Party (Members of the Chiba city council)
Apr. 2018 Submission of petition to the Chiba city council
* We submitted a petition about promotion of policies for sexual minority to the council and made a statement. This petition was adopted and was sent to a plenary session.
June 2018 Exchange of opinion with a person from the Administrative Evaluation Bureau of Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
July 2018
  • Exchange of opinion with Chiba city
  • Meeting with Funabashi city mayor and the group of Funabashi city council members who work on issues related to LGBT
    * We discussed sexual minority people’s difficulties in the field of medical treatment, housing problems, etc.
Aug. 2018
  • Exchange of opinion with Narashino city
  • Exchange of opinion with Shiminnet Chiba (Political party of the Chiba city council)